

Year End Recital: Sunday May 28th, 2023

It is with great pleasure we return to our Annual year end performance showcase. All students from all locations will attend and perform with their class group on Sunday May 28th, 2023. Location: City of Guelph.  Information sent via email to all registered students/families. Tickets available the week of May 1st at all classes

St. Patrick’s Day March 2023 “Irish Heritage Month” Canada

Its #official March has been declared #IrishHeritageMonth #Canada Our #Irishdancers #Beginner to Open Championship are honoured to be invited to perform at various in person #communityevents #privateevents #corporateevents #Ontario #StPatricksDay2023  Bookings currently being accepted CAC “PerformingDanceTroupe #Youth14yrs-18yrs are in high demand #booknow

Contact us for further information #519-216-6647


March Break Camp 2023 “Good Vibes Only” New Irish Dance Freestyle

Were excited to return to in person camps this year! Give your child the best start at Irish Performing arts! Our camp for Boys and Girls ages 4 years+  “Good Vibes Only” program is designed to support all aspects of a child’s development in a safe, fun and caring environment. Camps being offered in two […]